Advocacy Resources

The Pennsylvania School Librarians Association, an educational 501(c)6 not-for-profit, actively supports library interests by advocating for policies and funding that support libraries, librarians, and educational initiatives. 

The curated resources on each page will lead you to materials to help you advocate for effective school libraries with parents, community members, administrators, school board members, and government officials.. Many resources come from the American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL), a division of the American Library Association.

The Pennsylvania School Librarians Association (PSLA) opposes SB 1277. PSLA supports and advocates for parental involvement in their student’s reading journey and their use of school libraries. There are multiple existing policies and procedures in place allowing for the review and reconsideration of instructional material, including materials available through a school library. There are additional policies addressing the process of selecting materials for inclusion in a school library collection. The proposed bill is not only redundant, but provides no guidance on defining “sexually explicit”.

When a public school employs a certified school librarian, this trained professional is able to carefully select school library resources based on school board approved policies to meet the academic and literacy needs of students as well as support the procedures for parents to request reconsideration of materials.

School librarians encourage open conversations with parents in the identification of appropriate reading choices for their children, respecting parents’ beliefs and the unique learning needs, interests, maturity and reading comprehension levels of each child.

Certified school librarians are able to build these transparent and open relationships with families as they follow the reading journey of students throughout their time at each school level. School librarians are able to guide students to find library books and resources consistent with family values.

PSLA strongly believes that SB 1277 will diminish local control of public school boards, burden local schools with procedures that are unnecessary and costly, and create an atmosphere that will inhibit students' intellectual freedom and first amendment rights.

(Adopted, Board of Directors, June 27, 2022)





Use the Word file below to add information about your library and school plus select research and student or parent quotes to tell your story.

Use the directions and suggestions on the “How to Adapt the Infographic” file below to assist you.

Special thanks to the Advocacy Committee and Cathi Fuhrman for the design

“Bring School Libraries Back!” infographic template 

Directions on How to Adapt the infographic