Research on the Impact of School Libraries

Investing in School Libraries and Librarians to Improve Literacy Outcomes
An article by Tania Otero Martinez for the nonpartisan Center for American Progress (April 18, 2024).
“Libraries and librarians not only spark a love of learning; they are crucial to reversing low reading assessment scores across the country.”

Impact of school librarians on elementary student achievement in reading and mathematics: A propensity score analysis” 
An article by Lois D. Wine et al. in Library & Information Science Research (2023).
“Findings include that students who attend schools with a full-time certified librarian score significantly higher on math and reading tests than do matched students who attend schools without a full-time school librarian.”

What’s in a Frame? Perspectives of High School Librarians and First-Year College Students
An article by Joyce Valenza et al. in College and Research Libraries News (2022).
This 2022 study by Rutgers University found that college freshmen with high school research experience, particularly those from schools with certified librarians, performed better in using academic research tools and demonstrating digital literacy.

Why School Librarians Matter: What Years of Research Tell Us
An article by Keith Curry Lance and Debra E Kachel in Phi Delta Kappan(April 2018).
“When schools have high-quality library programs and librarians who share their expertise with the entire school community, student achievement gets a boost.”

Why School Librarians Matter: What Years of Research Tell Us
An article by Keith Curry Lance and Debra E Kachel appearing in Phi Delta Kappan (April 2018).

"Leading In and Beyond the Library" by Mary Ann Wolf, Rachel Jones, and Daniel Gilbert for the Alliance for Excellent Education, January 2014.

Implementing the Common Core State Standards: The Role of the School Librarian Action Brief
A joint action brief by Achieve and AASL published in November, 2013.

How Pennsylvania School Libraries Pay Off: Investments in Student Achievement and Academic Standards
A 2012 research report by Keith Curry Lance and Bill Schwarz.

PA School Library Project
Findings and communication tools from the 2012 PSLA IMLS National Leadership grant
PA School Library Project publications (2012)

How Do School Libraries Help Pennsylvania Students Achieve Academic Success? What School Library Advocates Need to Know by Mary K. Biagini

Creating 21st-Century Learners: A Report on Pennsylvania’s Public School Libraries

"School Library Impact Studies." Library Research Service.